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My Why...

When I was a Health Coach, my mission was to empower my clients; to show them how much control they had over their own health.


My mission now, is the same as it always was; though after living several lifetimes as both an Educator and Marketing Strategist, I use my experience and talents to connect Practitioners with clients that need their help.

Things didn't always look this good...

My journey from Health Educator to Professional Marketing Strategy & Business Development.

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I hate long bios. As a rule, I generally encourage people to use their 'about me' as a way to reinforce how you can help your clients. In this scenario though, it's worth knowing how some of my life's blessings and curses, have made me the ultimate powerhouse as a Business & Marketing Coach in this industry.


First and foremost, I am blessed. God has given me the best people and opportunities to grow into the person I am today. I would not be where I am today without the Mentors and Teachers that I've had along the way.


When I was a child, I struggled with self confidence and being overweight, I was incredibly insecure. So much so that I was experimenting with fat loss pills as a freshman in high school. And when that didn't work, I resorted to all sorts of extreme behaviors, least of which was using duct tape everyday to strap down my man boobs. I did play football and that was a fantastic outlet for me.


When I was 18 in the San Francisco Bay Area, I was blessed enough to start working at GNC, and then quickly moved into gym membership sales. Gym culture became an integral part of my life as a means of improving my physique. When I was 19, I moved away for college and found a job as a Personal Trainer at Bally Total Fitness (young folks may not know about that place lol). And when I started, I absolutely sucked as a Trainer. My biggest paycheck in the first 3 months was $90. All this while trying to study and go to school for something I didn't quite fully believe in (Kinesiology). 


After some time, I definitely found my footing and eventually became a top grossing Trainer within the company. Of course as a natural progression, I went and started my own business. I did really well for it being my first entrepreneurial venture; it's fascinating to reflect on as social media was not a thing back in thiose days. I did so well in fact, that I caught the attention of the local news anchor for NBC. She was starting a new show called Central Valley Today and wanted me to host a live fitness segment every week. I remember my first show like it was yesterday, because I was so nervous that I almost threw up on set, but after a few weeks, the show became just another Tuesday. What I didn't realize at the time was that this was actually the start of my social media career. Speaking on Live TV gave me the ability to speak anywhere, it was a skill that I would use for the rest of my life, and eventually this led to other media opportunities like being on Dr Phil and FOX News.

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Af†er running my own business for a few years, I wanted to pursue something different. I wasn't sure what that was, but as it happened, one of my clients who was a school teacher, heard about a job opening as an Athletic Director for a new school, but this wasn't your typical environment, this was a Therapeutic Boarding Academy for overweight teens and young adults. A full on High School where the kids lived and had constant support from an in-house staff of Behavioral Therapists. I was there for 5 years, and it was an adventure that completely changed my perspective on the words "Health" or "Fitness". That experience with those amazing kids, helped me understand that health was about way more than just exercise or eating 'right'. Health was everything. Our mindset, our internal and external relationships. Our addictions and coping mechanisms.


Now fast forward a couple years and a nervous breakdown later, I found myself in Southern California, working as a Trainer for a local health club in Anaheim. The work was ok, I quickly had a long list of clients and I loved working with them. But while I might have seemed like a happy-go-lucky Trainer coming to work and training my clients, I was an absolute wreck on the inside. Stress levels through the roof, physically addicted to anti-anxiety meds and benzodiazepines (I wasn't kidding about that nervous breakdown), to say things were bleak would be an understatement. I felt like a shell of a person, and doctors could only change my medication, I spent SO MUCH TIME trying to understand how to heal myself. Endless hours reading self help books and meditating. I could not see a light at the end of the tunnel, and about the only thing I had right in my life was my ability to make an impact in my clients' lives, and that alone was probably what kept me going everyday.


After about a year of struggling to piece my life together, I traveled to San Diego to meet a man by the name of Naudi Aguilar. He had founded company called Functional Patterns, a prolific and incredibly innovative modality of holistic performance training. I wanted to see if I could attend his first mentorship program. After spending the day with him, Naudi showed me a  myofascia release technique for my scalenes and SCM. And after only a few minutes of him working on me, I felt more relief in that moment, than I had for the last two years of struggling with pills, I felt like myself again, and I began to cry.


This was one of the biggest shifts in my life. 


At that moment I realized that I had been lied to. That we all have been lied to; at least to a certain extent. The truth in that moment, was that we had far more power over our own health than we'd ever been lead to believe. After a time, I worked my way up to Naudi's Master Instructor, helping him bring his amazing craft to the world. I weaned myself off of any conventional medication (when the doctors told me I couldn't) and I finally felt like myself again. After a few amazing years with FP, I set off on a new and different path. 


In 2015 I started building my own business in San Diego. By this time, I had already amassed several thousands of followers on Instagram and about 7K subscribers on Youtube. While I had a love/hate relationship with social media, I was fascinated with Facebook Ads. I knew that Facebook Ads were a way to expedite and directly reach out to potential customers. So I started running my own campaigns... and didn't make a dime haha. I never gave up on Facebook Ads, I knew that there was massive potential there but I needed to take a break and learn more.


I had a thriving 6 figure+ Coaching business and decided to open my own Wellness Center with a few other partners, it was called True Motion. The business had Personal Training, Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, it was pretty awesome... BUT, I knew deep down, that my heart just wasn't in it. I rushed into signing a lease with people that I didn't fully align with, AND I was still denying the fact that I wanted to do more with my life experience.


I knew that people needed help. And I still carried a lot of anger around our education and medical establishment holding people back. That anger still drives me today.


And so in 2016, in addition to training clients, I decided to start TrainMe Media, a marketing agency for Health and Wellness Professionals. I knew that Wellness Pros had a huge barrier when it came to technology and social media. And if they couldn't get their message out to the world, then people would continue to suffer.

Right away I started investing in Videography and education in Film Theory. I started working with Practitioners to get them comfortable on camera and started creating some media that really popped. And in a short time, I was producing content that was cinematic and leagues above the quality of anyone else on Social Media. 


There was one gigantic problem though. This was about the time when smartphones made an exponential leap in camera technology. EVERYONE was making video content.

And so that was a hard lesson that I had to come to terms with. I could have higher video quality, but unless I could produce enough of it and fast, the people with video quantity would always have more visibility. 


It was around this time that I started acquiring other skills, branding architecture, building websites, graphic design, copywriting psychology, and of course, Facebook Ads.

I made little to no money for a long time. I ate sh*t for years just so I could work under the right mentors to understand what happens behind the scenes.


While I was still in the trenches with TrainMe Media and the Wellness Center, I had a couple of other challenges. My wife and I had a newborn son, and her work was transferring her to Arizona. So in 2019, we all went.


When we got to Arizona, I met my next incredible Mentor and one of my best friends, Andrew Fischer. We decided to create the next big venture, which was my virtual training platform called MUVMT. I was able to put all of my marketing skills to use to develop a comprehensive online program that could reach the globe. It was an amazing experience, and even though it was hampered by the pandemic, I was extremely proud of the growth that came from it. 


While I was in the middle of scaling that business, I was introduced to Steven Jaggers and SomatIQ Breathwork. This was the next natural progression in my career, as I was able to once again align my skillset with a brand and team that was on a mission to change the world. While helping to scale SBW, I retired my virtual coaching brand and committed full time to Business and Marketing Coaching.


I'm still on the same path. Helping Practitioners to overcome barriers and grow their business.

I currently work with clients 1-1 as a consultant, I run Mastermind communities, and operate as a Fractional CMO for brands that want to scale.


I have been blessed to travel the roads that I have. And I've never been more excited to continue making an impact for my clients and the audiences that they serve.

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Jennifer Witten
Conscious Parent Coach
Mastermind Student & KinektX Client

"Having the opportunity to work with Jeremy over the last four months has been incredible. It has transformed my business. It's hard to know what to do and his expertise and his ability to collaborate and communicate and teach and coach has been just amazing. I highly recommend working with Jeremy. It has taken my business to where I am now, and now I have these skills and being able to apply these tangible systems to the vision that I have for my business. So thank you again."

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Jason Melvin
Breathwork and Men's Coach

Mastermind Student

"My biggest takeaway from this course was getting away from vanity metrics and into an offer for my business. It's like, okay, yeah, find yourself, find your voice, find what you are selling. It really helped me reframe my mindset around just that, the business aspect.


Lena Servin
Owner of Serenity Cove Temecula

Mastermind Student

"I just want to say that I found this really super helpful, this group. I have another coaching group that I go into, and it's actually the same exact time, but I've had to, like, not be in that one, because this one just feels a lot more aligned. It's disentangling what I feel like is so much information. It feels like I'm getting actionable things to do and it's not talking over my head. Thank you for that."

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